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Top 3 reasons to consider EzTest for your organization

Top 3 reasons to consider EzTest for your organization

It is critical for organizations to find bugs and fix defects before a software product is released in the market. An unpleasant customer experience could cost much more than making necessary efforts to fixing defects because once the product has been released, your brand value is at stake.

Currently, testing teams face a myriad of challenges including an inability to keep pace with builds as per a scheduled timeframe, excessive time/effort wasted on script development and maintenance, lack of continuous integration and no mechanism to detect errors and anomalies as and when they occur. Test automation is the way software teams are able to identify and test the defects faster. It’s always a good idea to consider testing automation frameworks for accelerating the test automation process.

EzTest is a comprehensive Test Automation and Management tool that enables automation in the early stages of the testing cycle while reducing effort and operational costs. It offers end-to-end testing across web and mobile platforms ensuring robust solutions with about 40% reduced effort compared to traditional automation methods.

EzTest has been developed with Selenium for web automation and Appium for mobile automation. It ensures faster time-to-market by saving efforts duplication in testing on different platforms/operating systems and saving the cost by integrating with test management and continuous integration tools. EzTest can easily integrate with continuous integration tools like Jenkins, test management tool like JIRA, QC & Testlinks and build management tools like Maven and Ant. This makes the framework more agile and cost-effective. Its intuitive user interface makes it more amenable to creating and executing test suites. The Test Coverage includes Functional Testing, Usability Testing, Load/Stress Testing, Interoperability Testing, Performance Testing and Compliance Test Suite (CTS).

Key Features of EzTest:

  • Auto-triggered test execution – Kicks off execution for new builds at a scheduled timeframe; Result notification via Email and SMS
  • Smart error detection – Automated messages for network related issues
  • Quicker integration with test management, build management and continuous integration tools
  • Productivity multiplier – Effort saved on script development and maintenance
  • Localization to supports different languages
  • Support for cloud integration
  • On-demand debug log capturing

Differentiators and Top 3 Reasons to adopt EzTest:

  1. Unified test automation framework – Platform-independent testing can be performed for Device, Web, Mobile, Database and APIs
  2. Hybrid test driven framework – Keyword, data and behavior driven testing that removes effort duplication
  3. Plug & Play and readily deployable architecture – Easily integrated with test management, build management and continuous integration tools, Ease of maintenance – Minimum changes required in case of changes in User Interface

EzTest generates HTML and Debug logs in text files; so that bug or script related issues can be identified and fixed in the early stage.

Stay tuned for eInfochips forthcoming updates on QA automation at

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