High-Voltage ESS Reference Development
Platform from eInfochips

Electrification is not just about electrifying cars. It is about end-to-end energy optimization for the entire infrastructure. Therefore, the industry is witnessing tremendous market growth in terms of adopting energy storage systems to be able to make the infrastructure more robust, more reliable and more efficient. 

There have been a lot of challenges when it comes to the safety, security, robustness and scalability of the battery systems. Battery Management System (BMS ) is the first line of defense to monitor, balance and optimize the battery health & performance in real-time, allowing improved power system efficiency, lifetime and safety of battery applications.

eInfochips recently partnered with NXP Semiconductors for the design and development of a 1500V BMS reference development platform suitable for high-voltage applications.

NXP ESS is a production-grade battery management system reference development platform. It is an IEC 61508 and IEC 60730 compliant architecture of up to 1500V intended for a variety of high-voltage battery management solutions for utility, commercial & industrial and residential energy storage. NXP ESS is a complete hardware, software and safety package encompassing product safety life-cycle libraries and documentation considering IEC 61508 and UL 9540.

Key Components of the ESS Reference Platform

Battery Management
Unit (BMU)

Cell Management
Unit (CMU)

Battery Junction



Solution Highlights

BMS Reference Hardware

Hardware boards with Functional Safety pre-compliance analysis

  • Battery Management Unit (BMU)
  • Cell Management Unit (CMU)
  • Battery Junction Box (BJB)


  • MODBUS over RS485, Ethernet, CAN-FD


  • IEC 61508:2010-04, UL 9540:2020, UL 1973:2022, UL 991/1998, ISO 13849, IEC 62933, IEC 62619, IEC 60730

BMS Reference Software

  • Production-intent complex device drivers and MCAL software package
  • Complete software package developed according to IEC 61508 SIL2 and IEC 60730
  • Production-ready device firmware & safety libraries
  • Safety application for handling system safety limits violation
  • GUI for display and system configuration
  • SIL qualified scheduler with time-slot monitoring running on safety core
  • Lockstep MCU for Functional Safety

eInfochips BMS Development Services

  • Hardware design, BoM optimization prototyping, firmware development and testing
  • IEC 61508 SIL2 safety design, assessment with complete safety documentation
  • Cloud enablement, web/mobile app development
  • Regulatory compliances and certification support
  • BMS algorithm optimization, porting and testing
  • Test automation, cybersecurity assessment
Next-gen Audio Video Conferencing Device

How can Customers benefit from ESS Reference Platform?

eInfochips NXP ESS reference platform is a One-Stop Solution for Production-grade High-voltage BMS Development. It reduces development timelines by 4 to 5 months and delivers cost savings of more than 1 year’s efforts.

Below diagram shows the journey of BESS development process and how NXP ESS platform delivers befits of time & efforts saving at each stage.

What’s included in the Package?



  • BMU, CMU, BJB reference hardware printed circuit
  • boards (PCBs)
  • PCB resources (schematic, layout, BOM, manual)
  • PCB accessories (cabling, emulator, etc.)


  • BMS device driver package
  • BMS safety library package
  • S32K3 RTD/MCAL
  • BMS advanced GUI


  • Functional Safety documentation
  • Product safety documentation


  • Embedded Hardware / Firmware development
  • IoT/Cloud platform development
  • Multi-tenant cloud-agnostic Mobile/Web apps
  • Pre-compliance and certification testing

Applications Areas

Energy Storage

Industrial Equipment (i.e., Cranes, Forklifts, Excavators)

Renewable Energy

Power Backup / UPS

Grid Load Balancing Applications

Residential Applications

eInfochips NXP ESS launch at CES 2024

Dharam Sheoran, Chief Customer Officer – eInfochips, talks about our recent collaboration with NXP Semiconductors for High Voltage Battery Management System (HVBMS) Reference Design at CES 2024.

For more information about eInfochips NXP ESS Reference Development Platform

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