Embedded Systems and Software Development

eInfochips has in-depth expertise in the areas of firmware design for embedded systems development. We offer end-to-end support for firmware development starting from system requirements to testing for quality and environment.

eInfochips develops BSPs to reflect the CPU and peripherals of the generic OS interfaces. Our BSPs are developed to provide complete functionality that can enable interface between different embedded systems components. Complementing our specialization with disparate operating systems, our BSPs are compatible with Android, Linux, Windows, and other mobile platforms. We have strategic partnerships with many leading technology companies. This enables us to have early access and expertise on the latest products from these companies, and also consult with product teams for first-hand support. Armed with this experience, our team has delivered faster uptime for various embedded systems development projects and has successfully addressed the inherent limitations of different hardware and embedded devices.

Why eInfochips for Embedded Systems and Software Development ?

500+ Product designs across complete spectrum of devices: Critical and complex

Strategic partnerships with Qualcomm, Nvidia, Intel, Texas Instruments, NXP, ARM

Our products have won many technology awards for our end customers: Electronics House Product of the Year, Engineering Choice Award, Crystal Cabin Award, Gold Award by NeoCon, and Best Innovative Product by InfoComm

Accelerators and frameworks for audio, video, connectivity and test automation

End-to-end product testing expertise with intelligent QA methodology and reusable QA assets
Positioned in the Leadership Zone for Engineering R&D by Zinnov Zones

Key Offerings


DevOps for IoT

Offering DevOps assessment & framework, implementation, tool chains, and remote monitoring


Unified Test Automation framework for web and
mobile platforms

Success Stories

Accelerating potential every day

Camera Firmware Customization for ML Enablement

Leveraging strong experience in camera design and development, eInfochips proposed a Smart Codec solution…

Case Study

Smart Audio Solution for Next-Gen Sound Bar

Case Study – eInfochips delivered a smart audio solution based on Qualcomm® QCS4XX and supported the client with firmware development, testing, audio enablement for next-gen sound bar…

Case Study

Firmware Development for Robot Vacuum

Case Study – eInfochips helped in Embedded Linux based firmware development and also ensured the compatibility for future products. eInfochips is also helping…

Case Study

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Device Partnerships
Digital Partnerships
Quality Partnerships
Silicon Partnerships


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