Smart Retail Solution

Smart Retail Brochure

Brochure – The retail industry is going through a massive digital transformation and the market for smart retail is estimated to reach $60B* by 2025….

The role of IoT Cybersecurity in Retail

The role of IoT Cybersecurity in Retail

IoT is transforming the retail sector from driving purchase decisions of customers through actionable insights, improving supply chain output with connected edge devices, and delivering an exceptional shopper experience on the store floor. IoT offers retailers opportunities for the growth of an ecosystem that connects the physical and digital world. The number of retail connected […]

Role of Digital Payments in living through COVID-19 pandemic

Role of Digital Payments in living through COVID-19 pandemic

As an effect of COVID-19, the adoption of digital payment is increasing across users. The digital payment platforms are witnessing all of a sudden sharp jump in the number of users as a cash transaction volumes decline across many countries. As per Statista estimate, total transactions through digital payments will reach US$4, 406, 413m in the year […]

How Connected Solutions Can Transform the Restaurant Industry

How Connected Solutions Can Transform the Restaurant Industry

“Advent of multi-cooking functionalities in smart cooking appliances to push demand for the market. Smart kitchen appliance market will register a CAGR of close to 23% by 2023 (Source: ResearchAndMarkets).” Today, the food industry is becoming smarter through a combination of IoT allied products and intelligent algorithms. IoT devices can issue alerts when temperature changes […]

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