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How eInfochips is fueling a wave of innovations in a post covid-19 world

In a world that increasingly encourages one to minimize contact, not just with other humans, but also with objects that they may have touched, technology is fueling the new normal – perhaps faster than ever before.

Over the last two and a half decades that we have been around, our engineers have worked hard on building over 500 products for our clients that are today deployed in over 140 countries. Add to this the fact that over 40 million units of these products are out there – in super markets, in factories, in access control systems and more – we are humbled at the impact that our work is creating.
Here are some of the products our engineers have contributed to, that are helping the world fight COVID-19 pandemic better.
Kroger, which with over $120 Billion in revenues is the world’s largest grocery store chain, announced that they would limit customer traffic in their stores using QueVision technology. The system automatically detects the number of shoppers entering and leaving the store, allowing Kroger to control customer density. Deployed nearly a decade ago, the system uses infrared sensors and predictive analytics, bringing down wait time at checkout from an average of 4 minutes to 30 seconds. A hand held scanner, further allows for self-checkout and an online payment solution means that shoppers can be in and out of the store without ever having to come in physical proximity of another human being.
In another part of the world, TytoCare of Israel recently raised $50 Million to build capacity and add capabilities to their offering. Just a decade or so ago, what they do would have sounded like science fiction. A tiny handheld device, perhaps only slightly larger than your average computer mouse, allows doctors to conduct remote medical exams of their patients – whether they are at home or in a hospital. Using modular attachments, the Tyto Care medical kit can be used to examine the heart, lungs, stomach, skin, throat, ears and even read the body temperature. All of this without ever stepping out of your room! If this is not amazing enough, look at the image of the whole kit below.


Aidar Health, is using AI enabled health analytics to provide real time insights. Their multi-sensor device – MouthLab™, captures more than 10 health parameters in under a minute! The device is so versatile and futuristic, that Sathya Elumalai, the CEO had this to say in a recently published article – “It works like a breathalyzer, but acts like a Star Trek tri-corder.” Given that the sensors on the device measure lung congestion, heart rhythms, breathing rate, body temperature and more, that comparison may not be far off the mark. Oh, and the size of the device? About the size of your TV remote – take a look below.

Then there is EchoNous Inc., another start-up we work with. They recently got FDA clearance for their platform that combines ultrasound with AI-on-the-Edge to enable bedside assessment of the heart, lungs and abdomen. The KOSMOS platform comprises a handheld probe and a proprietary clinical viewing tool (tablet). Being a miniaturised device, it is ultra-portable and can move quickly and easily through busy hospitals.  The system can perform ultrasound imaging, measure systolic heart function and enable real-time collaboration and diagnostics – all via hardware that you can hold in your hands.
Yet another area where we have been working for close to a decade now is security and access control. IDEMIA (formerly Morpho S.A.S) is a $3 Billion French firm that specialises in security and identity solutions such as facial recognition and other biometric identification services. Over the various generations of products that they have released, not only have then gotten smaller and more robust, they have also performed extremely well in the field. IDEMIA has contactless biometric scanners already deployed across their client base. In fact, their devices were part of the world’s largest identity database project – the Aadhar programme of the Government of India.
At eInfochips we work on solutions that are truly next-gen. We are not just adding marginal value to existing products, rather, we are co-creating them with our customers. Whether it is our ability to compress timelines, or manage complex scenarios, or simply the ability to deliver flawlessly across continents – we engineer great experiences. Our commitment to our clients has always been simple – we will do our best to enable you to service your end-customers better.
We accelerate time to market for our customers with our 25+ years of experience in product development and expertise in the areas of IoT, AI/ML, Security, Sensors, Wireless, Cloud, and Power. With partnerships across the technology spectrum including Qualcomm, NXP, NVIDIA, Microsoft, AWS, and more, we have developed reference platforms and industry specific solutions to enable next generation product development and transformation. Write to us using this form for more information on how we can collaborate.

Picture of Jaideep Chowdhary

Jaideep Chowdhary

Jaideep is part of the Corporate Marketing team at eInfochips. He has close to two decades of experience across multiple industries including Consulting, Energy & Education. A self-professed technophile, Jaideep keeps abreast of the latest trends in technology and likes to write about the interaction of Humans with technology.

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