Month: August 2023

Audio Processing - Low Power Consumption
Jagannath Shelar

Audio Processing – Low Power Consumption

Power consumption is an increasingly important aspect of personal computers, and efforts are being made on both software and hardware fronts to reduce it. The CPU accounts for a significant portion of the power consumed, and to extend battery life, CPU power consumption must be reduced. This can be achieved by placing the CPU in a sleep state when idle or by reducing its processing load.

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JTAG: A Strong Tool for Security Testing
Manali Kudtarkar

JTAG: A Strong Tool for Security Testing

Effective debugging and testing are crucial for ensuring the dependability and performance of hardware in electronics and embedded systems. As a complement to digital simulation in electronic design automation (EDA), JTAG offers on-chip instrumentation standards. It involves a serial communications interface through a dedicated debug port, providing low-overhead access without direct external access to the system address and data buses.

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Current and Emerging Trends in Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) Devices
Purva Shah

Current and Emerging Trends in Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) Devices

The write-up delves into the latest trends, from miniaturization and advanced technologies to enhanced connectivity and personalized medicine. The article highlights the benefits for patient care, efficiency, and access to healthcare, while also addressing challenges like regulation and data security. Emphasizing the potential for innovation, it urges healthcare organizations to embrace these trends for improved outcomes and delivery.

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Introduction to AWS IoT Suite of Services
Sombabu Gunithi

Build robust, reliable, and scalable IoT solutions! Part 1: Introduction to AWS IoT Suite of Services

In the last blog post titled ‘Functional Building Blocks of an IoT Platform,’ we discussed both functional and non-functional requirements of an IoT solution. We covered edge requirements and cloud requirements separately. Additionally, we explored the three options available for choosing or building an IoT Platform and provided a recommendation. “Option-3: Build Customized IoT Platform using PaaS Services”.

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The Future of Power-Efficient Electric Motor Design: Artificial Intelligence or Humans
Pooja Kanwar

The Future of Power-Efficient Electric Motor Design: Artificial Intelligence or Humans

AI can accelerate the motor design process, analyze data efficiently, and identify potential issues, saving time and costs. However, relying solely on AI may hinder creativity and overlook unique solutions, limiting variation in motor designs. AI’s bias and insufficiency with biased training data may also pose challenges. The blog presents a real-world scenario where a manufacturer has the choice between traditional engineering and AI-based motor design.

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