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How Agile Test Automation Aids Product Development

Agile testing has aided product development by helping test engineers to implement testing at every phase of the product development lifecycle. This also enables developers to build highly scalable and quality products from the development stage to avoid rework after the identification of defects. Thus, agile testing has brought the developers and testers on the same level, opening ways for teams to work together for ensuring product quality across the product development lifecycle and allowing everyone to test, blurring the lines of isolated formations.

Why is Automation Necessary in Agile Testing?

Agile testing is the need of the hour in accelerating time to market and capitalizing on the growing demands of the customers. Further, to rapidly increase production, it becomes very important to automate your testing procedures, which allows saving time and gives you insights into errors that you might not be able to find otherwise with manual testing methods. With test automation in agile, the same processes can be repeated over time, which allows exhaustive testing of each function of a product as they are developed. When it comes to manual testing, it cannot perform a test for thousands of users at a time, while on the other hand, automated testing can help in the simulation of thousands of virtual users interacting with a network, software and web applications.

How Does Agile Test Automation Benefit Product Development?

Automation yields greater benefits than the traditional methods of testing, allowing companies to build quality products in the long run with minimal errors and support. Let us take a look at how agile test automation is yielding benefits to product development.

More accurate than manual testing

As mentioned earlier, one of the greatest advantages of automation is that it allows you to run the same test repeatedly, helping you minimize the number errors you might get while using manual testing procedures. Automated testing in agile development allows you to document the results generated from the test procedure every time you run it.

Also, automation avoids any error or missing of steps, ensuring a proper execution of all test cases and steps to derive needed results. This improved accuracy helps in developing quality products.

Increased Coverage

Automation allows the testers to create even complex test cases and execute them easily, which generally can be difficult with traditional or manual testing methods. Since most of the testing is automated, it also helps testers to achieve maximum code coverage by performing tests on each and every feature and functionality.

Therefore, when every aspect is tested automatically numerous times, it helps in rectifying errors instantly and improves the quality of the product.

Reusability and Time Management

Certain test automation tools allow reusability of test cases in which, certain test scripts (already used for testing) can be used again depending on the project scenario or requirements. This enables the tester to run the same tests and create new test cases that will also create deeper code coverage. Reusability in test automation tools helps with accelerating timelines and releasing products rapidly.

Moreover, testing teams can execute tests round the clock, which will help the team to save time and efforts. These benefits, in turn, boost the morale of the testers and developers and help release products on time.

Early detection of bugs and errors

Since test automation in agile starts earlier in the product lifecycle compared to traditional testing methods, it allows you to find bugs and file them as they are tested. Detecting bugs in the early stage of the development gives you the ability to easily rectify the bugs or issues. Early detection of bugs and solving them helps in improving the overall stability and functioning of the final product.

When it comes to automation of your testing procedures, the testers need to carefully decide which processes should be automated before they are implemented in the environment. Agile development also encourages all members of the team to test during every step of the development process continuously and this, in turn, helps members of the team to work cohesively. Thus, in agile product development, test automation is no longer perceived as a phase rather a culture that aids the developers and testers to work in tandem to develop and release quality products rapidly.

eInfochips helps companies with its test automation expertise to deliver quality embedded products and accelerate time-to-market, utilizing Agile and DevOps methodologies. To know more, get in touch with us.

Picture of Smishad Thomas

Smishad Thomas

Smishad Thomas is the Customer Experience Manager at eInfochips. He has over 10 years of experience into customer service and marketing. Smishad has completed his Masters in English Literature along with a degree in Corporate Communication.

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