Media Suite for Digital Signage

Executive Summary

The Media Suite for Digital Signage (MSDS) is deployed in millions of units across the world, to control the entire multimedia content lifecycle: CREATE – CONTROL – CONSUME. With multiple hardware media players, media encoders and software releases, the complexity in backward compatibility grew manifold.

The solution was to setup an Offshore Development Center (ODC) to reduce the total-cost-of ownership with Product Sustenance, increasing profitability for the client in a mature market. With the team working across 3 time-zones, we implemented a modified version of the Agile Methodology with great results.

All measurement parameters have seen significant improvement, with end-clients seamlessly migrating to a newer, cloud-based solution co-developed by eInfochips. Over a period of 30 months, the total cost of ownership was reduced by 80% with efficient ODC processes.

Project Highlights

    • Cloud-based Hosting
    • Create-to-Publish Solution
    • Web-based Content Portal
    • Support for IPTV and VoD
    • Multicast Streaming Services
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