Home Security & Automation System

Executive Summary​

With the rise in demand for Android owing to its tremenddous potential, many companies to feel the need of a shift from their existing OS to Android. Our USA based client, is a leader in Connected Home Technology, wanted to shift to Android. They had around 75,000 units in the market. To callback those units and upgrade the OS to Android would have incurred a huge cost. They were looking for a cost effective solution that can avoid callbacks and at the sametime wanted to ensure that the exisitng product line does not become obsolete.

With our deep understanding of Android and a highly experienced team of 50+ engineers, we were able to remotely migrate the OS of the existing ~75,000 units in the market.

Project Highlights

  • 30% improved Time To Market
  • Leveraged Global Engineering teams to achieve 43% cost reduction
  • Accelerated Product Introduction for 14 releases
  • Remote software upgrades of 75,000 units deployed across the USA
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