Blood Pressure Monitoring Device

Executive Summary

The customer is a leading global consumer products company that provides innovative products and solutions through a diverse portfolio of well-recognized and trusted brands. As a brand incubator, they acquire, and nurture established brands. In 2006, they acquired a renowned maker of home and personal care appliances, known for products such as electric shavers, thermometers, and various kitchen appliances. 

The customer faced challenges in developing a blood pressure monitoring device, including high reliance on Chinese white-label manufacturers, finding alternative suppliers who meet quality standards, and attaining full ownership of product quality and customization, with the goal of gaining greater control and assurance in their development process. 

eInfochips delivered end-to-end product development for the blood pressure monitoring device, including hardware design, firmware development, connected mobile app, feasibility study and clinical trials. The product features one-button operation, a clear display, and automatic data storage, providing proprietary technology for a competitive edge and long-term cost savings to the customer 

Project Highlights

Blood Pressure Monitoring Device
  • Efficient TI MSP430G3507 MCU and high-accuracy components
  • Oscillometric blood pressure measurement algorithm
  • Secure data storage, sync, and encryption in the mobile app
  • User-friendly UI/UX with contextual menus
  • Rigorous accuracy testing and algorithm refinement
  • Comprehensive clinical trial design, recruitment, and data collection
  • Data logger tool (Python) ensuring protocol adherence and simplified data collection
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