AI Vision based Smart Traffic Monitoring

Executive Summary

Camera is a passive product, which requires human analysis to extract valuable insights out of it. Humans can detect certain events such as identify a car, its direction among others. However, practically it becomes very difficult for humans to go through thousands of hours of video streams and get events & insights from it. As vehicles continue to clog over roads, it is very imperative to monitor roads and make sure they are optimally used and safe for citizens. It is not possible to monitor roads 24X7 using manpower.

eInfochips (An Arrow Company) addressed these challenges by developing deep learning based solutions on the NVIDIA® Jetson™ platform making traffic detection in real-time and efficient. This solution works on the edge & provides features like vehicle anomaly detection, vehicle parking spot detection, license plate recognition, vehicle counting, wrong-turn detection & so on.

Project Highlights

AI Vision based Smart Traffic Monitoring
  • Powered by NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™
  • Vehicle Anomaly Detection
  • Show/Count Vehicle Parking Spots
  • Vehicle Counting
  • Wrong-turn Detection
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