Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Feature File Builder Concept

Executive Summary

Testing, the term itself has an immense history behind it. It has evolved over the years due to the changing trends, technology, customer demand, rapid development, and various other factors. As technology started to evolve, testing methods became inadequate. The traditional methods needed to be replaced by complex evolving methods aimed at delivering exceptional products at a faster pace

aided by automation and technologies like AI and ML. Quality Assurance (QA) is no longer just about finding bugs and errors. It has progressed into a proactive and preventive approach to implementing quality systems that solve the challenges of developing software. We have seen various methodologies and approaches of testing emerge over the years. As these methodologies progress, QA is moving towards being a collaborative approach, thus blurring the lines between different teams and bringing them together to achieve business success.

In this paper, we will discuss one such test approach, Behavior Driven Development (BDD), and how it can aid the software testing process by encouraging collaboration across the organization

Project Highlights

    • Product Testing
    • Introduction
    • Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
    • The Need for BDD
    • Advantages of BDD
    • Challenges with BDD
    • Solution- BDD Feature file builder web application
    • Conclusion
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