High-Voltage ESS Reference Development Platform – Brochure

Executive Summary

Reliability, resilience and sustainability requirements drive the transformation in the power and energy infrastructure towards battery energy storage. This in turn poses a greater need for battery management systems (BMS). BMS is the first line of defense to monitor, balance and optimize the battery health & performance in real-time, allowing improved power system efficiency, lifetime and safety of battery applications.

NXP ESS is a production-grade battery management system reference development platform. It is an IEC 61508 and IEC 60730 compliant architecture of up to 1500V intended for a variety of high-voltage battery management solutions for utility, commercial & industrial and residential energy storage. NXP ESS is a complete hardware, software and safety package encompassing product safety life-cycle libraries and documentation considering IEC 61508 and UL 9540.

Our Services and Solutions

High-Voltage ESS Reference Development Platform – Brochure
    • Hardware – BMU, CMU, BJB reference hardware PCBs (Schematic, Layout, BoM, manual, accessories)
    • Software –  BMS device driver, safety library package, S32K3 RTD/MCAL
    • Documentation – Functional Safety, product safety documentation
    • Services – Hardware, firmware, IoT/cloud platform, mobile/web app, certification and testing etc.
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