Hardware Design Services: From Prototype to Production – Brochure

Executive Summary

Over 25 years of experience in enabling 500+ embedded products across mission-critical and consumer-grade applications, eInfochips, an Arrow company, is well poised to make products that are smaller, faster, reliable, efficient, intelligent and economical. eInfochips has strategic partnerships with leading companies including Qualcomm, Nvidia, NXP, Texas Instruments, Microsemi, Altera and Xilinx to ensure niche solutions for their customers.

eInfochips also has a strong ecosystem of manufacturing partners and provides a range of services right from hardware design to manufacturing and production. eInfochips works closely with contract manufacturers to make sure that the designs are optimized for testing (DFT) and manufacturing (DFM) to minimize design alterations on production transfer.

Our Services and Solutions

Hardware Design Services: From Prototype to Production
    • Device Engineering
    • Digital Engineering
    • Quality Engineering
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Digital Partnerships
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