Arrow Electronics partners with Arm
and key Silicon Suppliers for Project Cassini

As IoT implementation scales up exponentially with the deployment of millions of intelligent sensor and edge devices, there is a need for a cloud enabled infrastructure to handle large amount of data and securely distribute compute models from the cloud to endpoints.

Arm has announced Project Cassini, an industrywide initiative that tackles two major roadblocks to IoT deployment: scalability and fragmentation. Project Cassini ensures a cloud native software experience across a diverse and secure edge ecosystem. It helps in migration of workloads from the cloud closer to the source of the data. Cassini Compliant platforms by Arm offers a standard approach to IoT development that lowers technology entry barriers at the edge, leveraging the vast investments made by Arm and its ecosystem.

Project Cassini Offers

Robust standards that allow software development, while enabling hardware diversity

Security APIs and certification programs

Reference solutions for a cloud native edge for faster development
Arrow Electronics has partnered with Arm and key silicon suppliers to offer Cassini-Certified products and can support customers from initial prototype development to full design.
Arrow Services include
  • System architectural consulting
  • Design for PSA certification
  • Design for Cassini compliance
  • Full design and engineering services
“Arm Project Cassini sets the standards that reduce barriers to IoT adoption and deployment. By offering Cassini Compliant platforms from our silicon partners, as well as services to accelerate time to market, Arrow Electronics helps customers innovate, transform, and scale their solutions.”

Aiden Mitchell

Senior Vice President, Global Marketing & Engineering at Arrow Electronics

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