Executive Summary
A Fortune 100 company, the client is a leading Europe-based engineering conglomerate with interests in several verticals including energy automation. In order to expand its presence in newer markets, one of the client’s subsidiaries was facing an urgent business need to achieve BACnet support for all its products. BACnet is a widely used communication protocol in building automation and control networks for applications such as heating, ventilation, and airconditioning control (HVAC), lighting control, access control, and fire detection systems.
The client-subsidiary was in need of a solution partner to overcome existing challenges in BACnet integration over IP and MS/TP for an array of smart energy metering solutions which perform energy monitoring, data analysis and sub-billing. eInfochips, due to its prior experience in smart grids and industrial automation products, was successfully able to implement BACnet protocol along with performing RTOS upgrades and BTL certification for the smart metering solutions. It also delivered new feature enhancements for the client’s subsidiary existing embedded and limited memory systems.
Project Highlights

- Webpage-based Runtime Protocol Selection
- Feature Enhancement within Available Memory
- OS Upgrades with Backward Compatibility
- End-to-End BTL Certification Support
- B-SS (BACNet Smart Sensor) Profile